Apply For Repairs
San Mateo County Residents: Rebuilding Together Peninsula (RTP) provides safe and healthy housing-related repairs at no cost to income-qualified homeowners and nonprofit facilities throughout San Mateo County. Please see our information below.
Santa Clara County residents: We also offer no-cost assistance to homeowners in Palo Alto, Los Altos, and Mountain View; please see our information below. If you live elsewhere in greater Santa Clara County, please visit our sister chapter, Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley, for assistance.
San Mateo County Community Facilities and Non-Profit Agencies: If you are a non-profit community organization in need of rehabilitation at your facility, please see our Community Facility Repairs page.
Types of Repairs
Depending on the needs of your home, service may be provided through one or more of our core programs:
Safe at Home, Rebuilding Days, or Lead Paint Safety.
Basic Plumbing & Electrical
Basic Carpentry Work
Grab Bar Installation & Accessibility Modifications
Door and Window Repair
Energy Efficiency Upgrades
Interior/Exterior Painting & Lead Paint Remediation
Debris Removal & Landscaping and Trimming
Floor Repair
And much more!
Program Eligibility
To be eligible:
- Own a home in San Mateo County, or in the cities of Palo Alto, Los Altos, or Mountain View in Santa Clara County.
- Live in the home as the primary residence, with proof of ownership, and not own another home.
- Remain in the home for at least two years after repairs are completed.
- Qualify as a low-income household (see the below chart for all adults 18-years and older in the home).
Total Gross Annual Income
*Adults (18 years and older) and children
Household Size* | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
San Mateo County Total Annual Income | $109,700 | $125,350 | $141,000 | $156,650 | $169,200 | $181,750 | $194,250 |
Santa Clara County Total Annual Income | $102,300 | $116,900 | $131,500 | $146,100 | $157,800 | $169,500 | $181,200 |
How to Apply
- Complete, sign, and date an application. Obtener una solicitud en Español.
- Make sure to include copies of your written proof of income, ownership, and residence. An application is not complete until each of these items is received.
- Return the application to via mail, email, fax, or in person:
Rebuilding Together Peninsula
841 Kaynyne Street
Redwood City, CA 94063
Fax: 650.366.9053
If you have any questions, please contact us at phone 650.366.6597, or visit our office during normal business hours.
Do You Have Questions Before Applying?
Let us know any questions you may have before starting an application through this form link below.
¿Tiene preguntas antes de presentar la solicitud?
Háganos saber cualquier pregunta que pueda tener antes de iniciar una solicitud a través del enlace del formulario a continuación.
Homeowner Resources
How safe and healthy is your home? Use this Safe & Healthy Housing checklist to do a self-assessment on your home. (This is not required as part of the application.)
Utilice esta lista de verificación de Vivienda Segura y Saludable para realizar una autoevaluación de su hogar. (Esto no es necesario como parte de la solicitud.)
For additional service and support resources available to San Mateo County residents, see our Homeowner Resources packet.