For Repair Captain Brooks Posegate, It’s All about the People

For Repair Captain Brooks Posegate, It’s All about the People 1080 1080 RTP

It’s been 10 years since Brooks Posegate first experienced the magic of Rebuilding Together Peninsula, which began as a sponsored team building event with his employer. Brooks manages hospital construction and has always liked to build things, so the opportunity to build and repair homes was his initial attraction to volunteering with RTP. Before long, however, it was more about the people. “I enjoy getting to know the homeowners and forming a relationship with them,” he said. “It’s rewarding to be helping somebody.”

For two or three months leading up to National Rebuilding Day, Brooks typically spends about one day a week meeting with the homeowners. This is the planning and prep phase of the work. It’s also when he can get to know the homeowners as people. “Some homeowners may be nervous about it, so I sit down and talk with them for a while,” he said. “They eventually get comfortable with the situation.”

Brooks has a commitment to RTP that extends beyond National Rebuilding Day. During the pandemic lockdown, for instance, he repaired a woman’s fence. For nearly two years, he devoted time on the weekends to working on that fence, and with the help of a friend, built a shed as well. “She is a special lady,” he said, referring to the homeowner. “We still stop by to say hello and check in on her.” It’s just one of many ways Brooks demonstrates his commitment to RTP and the homeowners we serve.

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