Unleaded Homes San Mateo County FAQ
A new landmark program from Rebuilding Together Peninsula (RTP) and San Mateo County assists county residents with remediation of lead-based paint in their homes. This service is available at no cost to eligible residents.
Below, we answer some common questions on this Unleaded Homes San Mateo County program.
Why should I be concerned about possible lead-based paint in my residence?
The presence of lead-based paint can be harmful to residents’ health, particularly in older residences where paint may be peeling or chipped, and especially where young children are present. Learn more about lead-based health risks at cdc.gov.
How do I know if my residence’s paint is lead-based?
If your home or residence was built before 1978, it likely was built with lead-based paint. Further, structures built before 1950 tend to have significantly higher levels of lead in paint. Qualified applicants to this program will receive testing by RTP and our certified inspectors to determine the severity of any lead present.
Can I test for lead myself?
To qualify for this program, RTP and its contracted inspectors must inspect the residence directly using San Mateo County guidelines. This inspection is provided at no cost to program participants.
How do I qualify for lead paint testing and remediation services, if needed?
If you are a San Mateo County resident, you can apply for testing and possible remediation on your house paint for Rebuilding Together Peninsula services here. Note, applicants currently receiving Medi-Cal and/or WIC benefits, or with low household income, or with children in the home, and/or in residences built before 1950 will receive priority consideration upon applying.
Does my mobile home qualify for service? What if I live in a condominium or apartment?
Yes! If you own or reside in a mobile home, condominium, or apartment in San Mateo County, you can also apply for the Unleaded Homes San Mateo County program.
Note, applicants currently receiving Medi-Cal and/or WIC benefits, with low household income, with children in the home, and/or reside in homes built before 1950 will receive priority consideration upon applying.
I believe I have lead-based paint issues in my residence, but I live outside San Mateo County. Can you help?
This program is funded by San Mateo County for San Mateo County residents. If you live in another county, we recommend you contact your county’s or specific city/town officials to inquire about lead-based paint solutions for your residence.
Santa Clara County residents can click here to search for more Santa Clara County information.
San Francisco City & County residents can click here to search for San Francisco information.
How much will this cost me? Will my home be liened in this process?
This program is available at no cost to homeowners and residents in San Mateo County who are affected by lead-based paint safety issues in their residence.
I put in an application. How long will it take for an inspection to happen?
Once a complete application is received and approved, an inspection by RTP’s certified inspectors will be scheduled. This inspection will determine the scope and urgency of lead paint safety issues inside and outside the residence, and multiple inspections may be required. Depending upon the severity of safety issues for residents, we will begin to schedule remediation work once all needed inspection(s) is complete. Based on the number of applicants we receive and the availability of our certified remediators, this can take multiple months between inspection and remediation.
Note, applicants currently receiving Medi-Cal and/or WIC benefits, with low household income, with children in the home, and/or residing in homes built before 1950 will receive priority consideration upon applying.
What does ‘remediation’ mean?
RTP and its contractors will remove any chipping and peeling issues on the existing paint, and will seal the remaining paint with a lead-free paint layer. This work will be done in accordance with the recommendations of the certified inspector’s report to the approved safety standards of the county.
What is the process for remediation? How long will it take?
Each home inspection will assess the urgency of lead paint safety in the residence.
The timeline between application and remediation depends on the availability of inspection and the severity of any lead paint issue in the residence. Typically, once remediation work begins, it can take a week to properly perform the work at a residence, but this will depend on the breadth and scope of remediation needed.
Note, applicants currently receiving Medi-Cal and/or WIC benefits, with low household income, with children in the home, and/or residing in homes built before 1950 will receive priority consideration upon applying.
What about possible lead pipes in my residence?
Many residences have been fitted with lead pipes. Currently, this program only addresses lead-based paint, as the potential for chipping and peeling provides heightened risk.
Who actually does the remediation work?
RTP only works with State of California-certified Lead Renovator contractors. Site visits to your residence will be conducted by RTP in partnership with these contractors and licensed inspectors. Copies of licenses and certifications will be available upon request. Any work done on your residence through this Unleaded Homes San Mateo County program application will be managed and contracted through RTP. RTP’s Contractors State License Board license is # 986653.
Will I need to move while remediation is performed?
To properly address a residence’s lead-based paint, contractors will need full access and residents may need to vacate during the remediation process. In such cases, RTP will assist each resident with temporary housing and associated expenses, if needed. Note, we will provide a minimum 30-days for you to leave the residence before remediation work will begin. We will explain this more in-depth throughout the application and inspection process.
What happens if there is damage to my residence or belongings during this work?
RTP only works with state-certified lead paint remediators who provide proof of insurance to cover risk of damage. When we work with you to schedule work, please advise us of any sensitive areas or issues in your home, and we will address specific concerns with you.
What about other repairs I may need in my residence?
RTP offers additional repair and renovation work for income-qualifying homeowners throughout San Mateo County and northern Santa Clara County. More information can be found on our Safe at Home and Rebuilding Day program pages. Note, you may have to provide additional application information for these programs; please contact us for any questions.
Can I submit a repair request for someone else’s residence?
RTP only accepts applications directly from the affected resident. If you are aware of a residence that may be affected by lead-paint safety issues, please forward our information and/or let us know at lbp@rebuildingtogetherpeninsula.org or (650) 366-6597, and our outreach team will follow-up with the specific residence.
I am ready to apply - how can I?
Click here for an application for our Unleaded Homes San Mateo County program!
If you have more questions not answered above, please contact us at (650) 366-6597 or lbp@rebuildingtogetherpeninsula.org for more information on our program.