(Palo Alto, CA)
December 3, 2024
In recognition of their dedication to providing safe homes and revitalized communities, and their leadership on behalf of the Wilson Sonsini Foundation, Gail and Jim McFall received the 2024 Wollenberg Award from Rebuilding Together Peninsula (RTP).
Gail and her husband Jim have been an ultra-reliable Site and Volunteer Captain duo for RTP, taking noted care and detail in client connection and project planning for Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati-sponsored volunteers teams. Often leveraging their own contacts and resources to offer deeper impact on scopes of work – and establishing lasting bonds with community facilities, Gail and Jim have worked on National Rebuilding Day projects for more than 15 years. Some particular renovation projects they’ve led include Aspire EPA Charter School, KIPP Esperanza High School, Foundation for a College Education, Free at Last, Retraining the Village, and CORA, amongst many others.
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
WSGR is a renowned global law firm based in Palo Alto, and has been a sponsor almost since RTP’s beginning, having completed its 30th year of National Rebuilding Day support in 2024. WSGR’s Wilson Sonsini Foundation serves a variety of community initiatives and projects each year, and received the Corporate Wollenberg Award in 2015.
The Wollenberg Award
Since 1990, RTP has recognized its outstanding supporters with the Corporate and Volunteer Wollenberg Awards. Named in honor of one of our most notable contributors – David Wollenberg and the Wollenberg Foundation, past recipients have included Bill Butler, Webcor, Oracle, Mike Nibbi and Nibbi Bros. Construction, Meta, John McNellis, and Donna Dunwoody others.